
Welcome. Here you can find information on various types of flutes and bamboo saxes I make. Most are made of bamboo or Aroundo Donax. They are handmade using techniques traditional in their place of their origin.


The Shakuhachi is a Japanese flute with a familiar sound as it has been extensively used in cinema music . The instrument is associated with the religious exercise in Japan of the 19th century, and specifically the practices of Fuke Zen meditation. It was used in the exercise of Souizen (Blowing meditation) 

Usually made ​​of bamboo, often with the root at one end. The sound is produced by blowing in the open, slanted cut, edge. It is a very versatile instrument with which a skillful player can produce any desirable tonality whithin the range of the instrument.

It is certainly not one of the easiest flutes out there but rewarding for someone who will work to master it with the flexibility and dramatic sound it has to offer.